Monday, February 21, 2011

Intuitive Family Ties

I have been thinking a lot about people who grew up in intuitive families. You know the ones that some psychics/intuitive tell us there from. Where the mom was the intuitive queen and the daddy was open as while and if a vibe came through (good or bad), it was expressed and action was taken. Than my mind want over to my family and the ones like myself who’s family treated them like a psychic black (i.e. sprayed w/ holy water and/or prayed until the cow came home) upon discovery or talking about intuition. And than I started thinking how can people of non-intuitive families find peace and harmony even though they don’t see eye to eye?

If you come from or are in a non intuitive family and have discovered you are the black sheep, you may have to take step back and look at yourself. Yes, look at yourself. Are you an intuitive/spiritual snob around your non intuitive family? Do you act like/appear to be a know it all around your non intuitive family? If so, you are using your expertise as a defensive and (Law Of Attraction) the non intuitive members of your family will do the same and this just cause disharmony, and negative energy to arise.
A good reminder is that your non intuitive family members are intuitive. They just have not awakened as you have, but are still picking up and receiving psychic energy. Unforturely, there are people who disagree, reject, and just don’t like psychic energy, Double unforturely that some happen to be in our families and if we shone, act superior and down right disrespectful of these human beings than we are no more awaken than they are. So you maybe asking how do I make peace and harmony w/ my family members and friends who don’t agree with what do?

First be considerate to your unawakened (non intuitive) family members. If you get a vibe that concerns the whole family inform them gently, instead of saying “my guides say” or “the universe just informed me”, say “I have a gut feeling” or “I have a hunch.” That way you don’t scare anyone or find yourself in a tube of holy water scrubbing about the demons.
Second open yourself up to there intuitive abilities. I read in one of Sonia Choquette books that her mentor Dr. Tully informed her that the best way to sharpen your intuition is to never assume you know someone or something completely. Ask them for there insight. Start small. You can as your dad or a male figure in your house what there gut feeling or hunch is for the next game. And build from there, Make it fun.

And third, some people are just sticks in the mud like I mention earlier. The best thing for them is for you to assume a neutral, non judgmental and patient attitude toward there beliefs, but put up an energy protective barrier between you and that family member/s, that way there energic beliefs won’t affect you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Are You Your OWN Authority?

"......hierarchy, you were expected to surrender your willingness to think for yourself and, instead, obey orders without question. Human creativity was suppressed while such a structure encouraged people to be closed-minded when exposed to any new information or ideas." Owen Waters

Ok, So I am checking my email and am meet w/ an awesome article called "Be Your Own Authority" by Owen Waters. And Owen talks about how every young generation is accused of being less respectful to authority than the older generation. When in actually the younger generations are more open to ideas and creativity. He got me to thinking that being your own authority is part of being intuitive.

 A lot of people trust in there doctor's authority that they are blown away when they say they can do nothing for illness you have. Others are learning for this and self empowering there selves in the health field. Cancer patients doing this and are alive, health and happy. I love this quote.

"As we pass through The Shift into the New Reality, we are learning to apply self-empowerment to all facets of life. Self-education and reflection mean that you can rely upon your own perceptions about what is best for you."                                                                    -Owen Waters

 Then I start farther thinking for my parent out there. You wake up and the snow is up to the ceiling and they have not call off for snow. Do you still sent them or has/or does your intuitive authority kick in and says today doesn’t look like a good day to go to school? I think about this because I live in Virginia and in my area alot of snow is somewhat abnormal (we got like 5ft during Christmas break). And one year it was really bad out side and they didn’t call off school, and my aunt informed me that the kids are going to school. All I am saying is that you need to be your own authority.

 Listen to your own intuitive authority. You have insight to know what is right for you and your kids (if you have them) He goes on to give the benefits of having an open mind and being your own authority. You can click on the link above to read the whole article.