Friday, January 11, 2013

Energtic Protection of the Flu

I was watching Anderson Cooper yesterday and he was acting a straight drama queen about this whole flu thing.

He want on to say "There's so much talk about it I feel I already have it." This got me to thinking about the energy of thought.

If you know any thing about the placebo effect just the thought of some make a person/human being start to develop sign of the cure or virus.

With that said, we also need to do out part on the mental level to not get sick. Stay positive. Happy people are less likely to get sick. When you are stressed or in a bad mood you make you body perfect breeding ground to get sick.

Listening to your fave music can also help boost our immune system as well. Medication and pray two other ways to help boost your immune system and protect you from getting sick.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Spirit World Making itself Known.

Hello everyone, If you have not check out today's epoisde of the Ricki Lake Show.

It was all about psychics and communicating with the other side. And wow was it a powerful show.

So powerful it make you wonder if the spirit is doing its part to make itself known. That way people will lose there fear of death. Check out this clip.

 Maureen Hancock, author of Medium Next Door, John Holland, author of Spirit Whisperer and
Jennifer Shaffer where the guest psychics on the show.
I am know of Maureen Hancock, she is really awesome. I love me some John Holland. Check out his radio show on Hay House

In John Holland's book Born Knowing he takes you though his life of how he started. He Also teaches you how to turn on your own psychic abilities. Like he said in the show you don't have to go to a medium to connect with your love ones. And he shows you how in the book. Born Knowing is a great start to learning or if your are just curious.
Jennifer Shaffer is awesome a well. An Angel.
This show was so powerful. Ricki's people also came though.  I really feel like this year and beyond is the time for the spirit world to let us know. They want to make death the end all be all. Its not.  Love ones are always trying to get our attention. It up to us to learn how to communicate with them.
The show also let you know what parent can and should do if there children are seeing spirits. A lot of souls being born now are coming here with that ability ready to go.
Wow, Spirit is here and alive. This was one of the best shows on psychics I have seen. Love it.