Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 the Year of the Goat

Happy New Year to everyone. The year 2015 is to year of the goat in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike the Zodiac most are familiar with, where they use your day of birth to determine which one of the 12 animals your are. These 12 animals rotate every 12 years.

The Goat/Ram/Sheep comes in at number 8 of the Chinese Zodiac. Interest enough, the year 2015 is an eight year (2+0+1+5=8). For those of you who are not into numerology, the number 8 Is a sign of balance and power. There is also a strong connection to business and enterprise with the number 8 in China. The year of the Goat bring abundance and blessings. On all scale and all parts of life.

Something to take note of in the Year of the Goat, lucky colors are red, purple, green and brown. Those color are all earth tones, and colors of manifestation. This year thing can go extremely well for you. What a difference a year makes. For some of you, 2014 may have been a struggle, 2015 you can see the other end of the spectrum.

Lucky numbers for the year of the Goat are 3, 9 and 4.   

The Chinese Zodiac doesn’t go by the western 12 month year. So technically we are still in the year of the Horse, started January 31, 2014 and ends February 18, 2015. The year of the Goat starts the next day on February 19, 2015 and ends February 7, 2016.       

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Quarterly Vibe Forecast

This is your vibe forecast for the year 2015.  Here is a picture of the spread with the card that where drawn. Using John Holland’s Psychic tarot for the heart, I did a cross spread however for second quarter of the year, two cards came out. I will getting deep into the 2 card thing later in the post. So we are rolling with spirit.

First card is the Theme for 2015.  Very strong card. It’s the purple number 3 of take the lead. This is the year that spirit plus passion plus action will result in big rewards this year. God/Divine is on your side. If you need help and/or want to do something (say the impossible), just call on him/her and they will lead you to all opportunities, support, connections what have you.  A lot of you are feeling that urge to jump to take that leap. Whether it’s a having a baby, quitting your job to start a business or a move to a new city. Know you have Spirit/God/the Divine on your side.  Remember the Divine sends the idea/thought to you, the action part is your job. Go forth knowing that.

We move right along to the first quarter of the year, January, February, March. We get the major card the number 19 card of Shine. You did a lot of growth and shading in 2014. So out the gate connections and opportunity are synchronously falling in to place. Shine your light. For when you do people will see your confidence, your passion and your efforts in your craft. Little by Little the snowball is forming and getting bigger and bigger. The first 3 months bring new relationships. Relationships in business and finances. An awesome friend will help some of you in the job department. For others these new relationship are forming to help you with your team of experts for your business. With that said money is around the corner. The relationships bring more money into your life. Kudos to you.  

 Second quarter quite interesting indeed, April, May, and June I said earlier we go 2 cards. Two good card at that. The first one be the red number 9 card of “Well Deserved Reward” Your are moving up in the world, your past efforts and accomplishment in the last year and 3 months have taken you to a new level with rewards. Promotion to manger or going from employee to asstant manger can happen for some or new products, bigger sale spaces for others. 

We also have the red number one card of strengthening bonds for the second quarter as well. Number is a sign of oneness wholeness and alignment. Red being a sign of the physical world denotes, thing in the physical, your health for example is improving. If you have been thinking about changing your diet, i.e. taking the first step to becoming a vegetarian or walking during your lunch break is good too. Some of you are already doing these think and are seeing the results. Congratulations Keep up the awesome work.  Here the year’s theme of taking lead is totally there.

The 3th quarter, July, August, September gives us the number number 20 card of Blossom.  Not just flowers, but relationships. For some of you the relationship you are in will start to blossom to that next level.  Engagements and tying of the knots (marriage). These three months also bring a blossoming of strength for others, being more independent. Manhood, Womanhood. Money is blossoming as while, rises in income. Take home pay is great. Those of you looking for a new car this would be a time to buy.  Make sure your are stacking your coins (money) for a rainy day and for the holiday season.

The four quarter being the completion of 2015 (October, November, December) give us the number one root chakra. The energy center of the root chakra is in charge of all physical things, the body and material. Minor health concern do arise during this quarter. Go to the doctor, excise and diet key to getting back on track. For some your doctor may give you a new med to take. House issues like a the roof and water, need to be taken care of. Larn and gardening for some of you too. Don’t drink to much at the holiday parties. For many of you, you will be checking a lot of you goals off for 2015.  Some one reading this will be signing papers for there new home during this quarter.
2015 looks to be a very good year. 2014 cleared the decks, prepared and set the stage for 2015. Remember the theme Take the Lead in your life and work with the Divine/God/Source to bring all that your set your goals for.  This is reading is a reading for the planet as a whole. If you would like your own person private reading, click on my services pages and click on the link at the bottom of that page. Have a happy safe new year.