Monday, December 1, 2008

Body Talk

Good Morning Good afternoon Good even (depending on where you are). Today is another good day. Well, I broke up w/my man this morining. But the crazy thing about it was I had broken out in hives all over my body and after a good cry and telling him we should be together my hives want away. If that’s not your vibes/heart/god talking to you I don’t know what is. Ok, so yesterday he and I got into an argurement over money and our relationship in general. So later that day I take him to work and go home. I go home take a nap wake up (he was to call me when he got to my house at like 3 4 in the morning) Needless to say he got a ride to his house. I called him to see if he was home, he was. Now that I think about it must have been the exchange of energies or something like that, cuz after I got off the phone w/ him I start thinking bout the whole ordeal and started cry my eyes out. So after about 20 30 mins of crying I called him and told him what’s up. He got mad of course and didn’t give me any time for us to discuss is farther. But like I said earlier after I did all that my hives disappeared. That was cool cuz I thought for sure it was my bed sheets or something to that nature. But is was not. Your body mind and spirit will let you know things are not right and its time to change course. Has your body ever told you something and you listen? Is your body telling you something now? As I mention in the last post I am reading Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette. And she says the body will let you know when things are wrong good or bad. In her book she talks about physical signals as intuitive feedback for example problems w/ your legs may signal where you are going in life or problems w/ stand on your on two feet. Sexual organs and lower abdomen often reflect blocked creativity or an absence of pleasure and sexuality. Your body will let you know when things are good too. She also talks of her clients, one who would sleep for 12 hrs everyday and still wake up feeling tired. She worked for a lab w/ dangerous chemicals and such. Her body was telling her she needed to leave her job. But her ego was telling her to stay cuz she needed the money, but her body was not having it. She ended up losing her job cuz she over slept. And her vibes got her in a better place doing what she loves and making good money. Sonia suggests to start doing a mental scan of your body when you wake up in the morning and/or when in the shower. She also suggests doing it though out the day. Notice any aches, pains, tension, rashes(in my case). If so what are they telling you? Acknowledge what you feel and tell your body you are listening. Check in w/ your body though out the day and ask it if there is anything important that it wants you to know. If you are cursing your body or telling your body negative things, stop it. You are only hurting it. If this is your first time, it may feel uneasy at first. Keep practing and soon you will learn the lauaguage of your body. Try it.
Blessings and Guidance
Purple dove

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