Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lessons From the Vibe:The Feathers

"See yourself as a single cell in a body called humanity, and vow to be a cell that cooperates with all adjacent cells and has a sense of belonging to the whole." - Dr. Wayne Dyer That quote caught my eye yesterday as I was doing my work. It go me to thinking about the vibe of the day. The body didn’t just work alone. Its has a heart, brain, organ and cells all working together to make it run and work right. There is never an I. I is a part of the whole. What ever job you are doing it not done alone. It not your job alone that going to keep things going. Its you being part of that whole. Whether it be your family or the company your work for. You are not alone in achieving the task as a whole. It takes a team. Then I look at it from my gurl's (Sonia Choquette)view. Whatever your profession is, ligherworker, lawyer, hairstylist. You are apart of a tribe of people that share a common interest. This tribe understands you, accepts you, inspires and encourages you. Only another hairstylist can understand the drama of doing waterfall curls. Only another lawyer can understands the drama of getting client x to settle w/ client c and so on. Its awesomely great to have a team of fellow feathers to chill with when the outside world thinks your crazy or just don’t understand. No matter what your profession, make sure to gather or check in w/ your fellow feathers to share idea, get encouragement and feed back. Peace and Blessings, Shenice, Lady of the Oracle Treehouse

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