Sunday, June 17, 2012

Super Soul Sunday Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day everyone. Interestingly, the card I draw for this weeks Vibe Reading is the number 5 card Wisdom. That card has a man in a purple yoda like robe, he has a book in his hand, w/ lil white dog walking w/ him. There is family standing in from of a home in the distance and its a sunny day. I mention the old saying “When the student is ready the teacher will appear" While one of my Teacher Healer Guides made is presence known to me. If you are unaware I am a Reiki Healer level 2. Recently I take a trip to the Edgar Cayce Center and gotten some awesome books and Reiki and the energy body. So one day I am at the thrift store and my attention was grabed by these 3 wise men. There Japanese Statues. I brought home one. Going back for the other two. He is my teacher. I love him. And I am ready to learn.

Meet Fu Sheng Q next to my Mony Tree.

I discovered that he was my Teacher Healer Guide when I was watching Oprah and at the end of her show, she was talking about bonsai trees. These money trees are form of them. And I look over at the tree next to Fu Sheng Q and smile. So cool. I love divine synchronicity.
Speaking of healing, I can here a lot of you telepathically ask, "What is Reiki?" Reiki is a system of healing that was rediscovered by Master Usui in the late 1800's.The word Reiki, is a Japanese term that Master Usui created  in an attempt to label it. "What can/does it do?" is another question I hear.

Reiki Balances and works on all four levels of our existence. Physical, reiki reduces and relieves the body of pain and stress, which causes illness and disease. Emotional, reiki helps relieve you of negative feelings such as depression. Mentally, reiki helps delete negative thought patterns and help to create new ones. And on the Spiritual, helping you to connect with your higher self, learn to love your self, others, while guiding you to your purpose in life.

Reiki works on the Cause rather that the effects of disease. Reiki does accelerate healing, which for some may cause a little discomfort in the beginning. From physical pain to emotional crying. This is called energy release. Some feel waves of love, others see colors during there reiki session. Still others may not feel anything at all, or really relaxed. Reiki is a tool to be used together with your regular health regiments (, visits, eating, exercise). When you incorporate reiki, not only does accelerated healing happen, your eating habits may change, mental habits change, you heal and grow from all levels. Remember we are energy first. So once the healing begins at the energy level, you will see it on a physical too.

While there are people like myself who offer Reiki as a service in exchange for money. Which is all, because you are not paying for the Reiki itself you are paying for the practitioner’s time. And money is a from of exchange. You can find other who offer it free or in exchange for something else, trade as they say.  With that said, Kindred Spirit  is having a Reiki Sanctuary  Tuesday June 19, 2012. Just click on reiki sanctuary for all the details.

I moved last weeks show topic to this week only because I was having breathing issues.
This week show is on and popping. The Oracle Treehouse Radio Show  Make sure to check out the show Tuesdays 3pm 12pm.

On to the Weekly Vibe Reading for Monday June 18, 2012 to Sunday June 24, 2012. Still using John Holland's Psychic Tarot Deck.

Monday June 18 and Tuesday June 19 is the number 7 red card of Patience and Planning.

These two days is a time of reflection, patience and planning. Look back at when you have been, and seeing if you where successful than, what worked? If it didn't work what needs to be let go and what should we pick up. Know that in order to move forward at least some planning is involved.

While drawing the cards for this week we got an extra card. the number 5 card Authority. This card has to do with leadership. Making executive decisions in all area of life, especially business and for self.
While looking for the picture of the card all I could find was this one, because I don’t have a camera right now. So we have another extra card, the 1 awareness. If you are reading this blog post you are aware of the shift happening and the movement of energy. Pay attention to details.

Wednesday June 20, 2012 and Thursday June 21, 2012 brings the number 6 red card of Material and Spiritual Prosperity. After make your executive decisions from Monday and Tuesday, the synchronistic card (I call it) shows up to tell us that things are falling into place. Lots of Aha moments on the spiritual level and as for material goes, you want it, its yours. Just remember to pay it forward.

Friday June 22, 2012, Saturday June 23, 2012, and Sunday June 24, 2012 bring the number 6 blue card of Moving On. Moving on up is the song I hear while writing this. Change is a good thing, For ever ending there is beginning. This is the end of your suffering, negative vibe and the beginning of something beautiful. I feel some have an issue with change. It ok, focus on synchronistic event that come along and stay positive. All is well.

That is next/this week's (depending when you read it) weekly vibe reading. As always if you are interested in a private one on one reading and or healing session with me either in person, phone or skype just email me at with the service you want in the subject line. 30 minute psychic readings just $45. 30 minute healing sessions are just $65 dollars. I look forward to hearing from you. You all have a great weekend.

Peace and Blessings,
Shenice, Lady of the Oracle Treehouse

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mystical Sychroncities and Cosimic Connections

Hello Hello to all out there in the Universe. I know it been some months since I did a blog. I have now decided to do a Mystical Monday post or Super Soul Sunday post. Any who here we go. If you missed the last episode of the Oracle Treehouse, check it out on the left side.

If you tuned in you heard about my mystical connection w/ my dear friend in spirit, Chareese "Reese" Deans (that’s her in white). Her Birthday was June 1, 2012. The day before her birthday I got an email for a contest giving away tickets to go see the Wailers. I then got the intuitive nudge to enter. The next day on her birthday my gurl (the one in the red) text me and mentioned the show. I knew right then that I had won tickets to the show. Reese was a big reggae fan. I knew I won the ticket before they did the drawing that afternoon.

We goes to the show, and have what I felt was a magical mystical experience. It felt like she was there. I told my gurl that its like she was up there with Bob and was like "Bob can you send my gurls to the show?" And he was like "Ok, Reese. Than as we are going to the car after the show, my gurl mentions that reggae star  Beres Hammond will be there tomorrow. I got the intuitive nudge that we where going to that show as while. And sure enough after work, she calls me and says "Gurl, how bout baby daddy just give me money for all three of us to go see Beres Hammond".  

This time was the same as the last time. I felt like I was in a sea of love. It was awesome. I ask you coincidence? I think not. Mystical Synchronicities, yes. I want to thank Reese over there on the other side. Its been 8 years and we had not did anything for her birthday since her passing. She brought us together so we can be in each others lives for healing, support and encouragement. I feel she is our guide. I know she is one of our guides in life, for her son was born on my birthday. Love you Reese. I just realize that 50 cent is in this pic. Oprah interviewed him on her show last night. Hello Reese. That is so cool. :) Mystical Sychroncities and Cosimic Connections. :)

Happy Super Soul Sunday to you. Interestingly I was watch OWN and Oprah was talking to the arthur of the book Simple Abunbance, Sarah breathnach. I feel this is a sign to everyone going though money issues. Especially woman.

Simple Abundance (click here to see the interview)

If you are unaware, I have my own intuitive consulting and reiki healing business. I offer my services in person either in your home, or at Kindred Spirit (2354 East Little Creek Road, Norfolk, VA 23505). This is for my clients who live in my area, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and surrounding areas. I also offer my services over phone. I do have my level 2 reiki certification which allows me to do reiki healing sessions from a distance. If you are interesting in any of my service, I invite you to email me at , Just put the service you are desiring in the subject line and the day and time and any other details in the body of the email. When doing service over the phone or Skype I do accept credit cards and debit cards. Paypal is also an option.

Moving forward, I have gotten the intuitive nudge again to move this week's topic The Urantia Book on the Oracle Treehouse to next Tuesday and this Tuesday we will be talking about the Soul of the Mind, when spirit mind and will are aligned. If you follow me on facebook ( than you know I love Edgar Cayce. I am deep into a book writen by Henry Reed and Charles Thomas Cayce about the mysteries of the mind. Join me as I talk about the parts in the book I was drawn to and much synchronicities there. Like how bout I read while watching T.V, and the channel is on the Science channel. Steven Hawkins new show is on talking about human beings purpose in life, and while I am reading about will he is talk about it on the show. Love, Love Love it. :) Patterns I love it. As always I will be taking your calls for one question readings. (
As if right now I am allowing a new mac deck topic and laptop to come in to my energy field, so video readings are on hold. However I will be be talking about the card I draw for the week here, on the show and on face book. For Monday and Tuesday of this week I draw the red number 2 card it says movement, choices, and decisions, One thing is for sure in this world and that movement. Action, is key today and tomorrow, In the picture are doorways to different issues like love, money, business relationships, and education. Where do you want to expand. The universe is bringing you opportunities to do so. Change is here, it best to get movement now than to wait and have the winds of change you. Money is big today. How will you invest it? How will you go it? What can be taken care of now? Think about these questions. If you need help email me to make an appointment. I will talk to yall later.

Love, Peace and Blessings,
Shenice, Lady of the Oracle Treehouse