Friday, April 15, 2011

Lessons from the Vibes: At Your Service

 So, Ok, I am in the office preparing for the show on Saturday and start to draw a blank about the show. So I ask my helper guides to help me with the show. Then I moved on to the next thing. Takes a break, lunch and a lil T.V. Cool. Channel surfing and land on OWN beach, where theirs a show on about people being addicted to food.

On the show they give the clients assignments to help them heal. One of the client’s assignments was being blind folded. The ideas started flowing. I loved it. I was in helping heaven. I said thank you and kept working.

What did you helper guides help you with yesterday or today?
You may want to ask your helper guide :)

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Shenice :) Lady of the Oracle Treehouse

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lessons from the Vibes:Vibe Check 1-2-1-2

Hello My Intuitive Beings,

Yesterday was a great day. The vibe of the day was Vibe Check.
Ok, so like most of you out there, family is helping and stepping up like none other, and vibe checking can help calm and balance the individuals helping out. While in my family we are down to 2 cars spilt between 3 households. My day starts very early, because I play the role of taxi driver w/ my mother's car. My aunt has work two boys, and they have after school after activities and weekend activities. With this high schedule it can but some worn and torn on a car not to mention when that car is not yours and you have other things to do, from the owner’s view point.
While my mother got into a negative nancy rant about my aunt not having a car and how she is tired of it. First I try to explain to my mom the silver lining and that its going to be alright. Needless to say when you are dealing with the unawakened (five sensory people), trying to give or explaining the silver lining doesn’t help.

So as she is ranting on, my intuition steps in and says vibe check, and in that moment I started thinking to myself “All is well” and want to my room to get ready for the day. Thats one way you do a vibe check. But not the only way. Sometimes you can't get away physically, so you have to focus on the mental. And if you find yourself in a situation where you can’t get away, think good thoughts. "This too shall Past" or “All is Well.” Or visualize yourself somewhere peaceful or a happy situation. Your not ignoring the person, your shielding yourself from there negative vibe.

Vibe Checks are important because they get you back grounded and balance in your energy field, your body and soul too. So do vibe checks though out the day. When you first walk in to the office, a room, a store or a car. Take a moment to feel, see, and sense. Especially in the work office. You can feel it in the air when something is up or bout to go down. Its all about paying attention.

So when you go home, or are in the store do a vibe check. You can use a scale of 1 to 10. Anything 5 or above, you feel great and grounded, move forward. 5 or below seek out higher vibes. Whether its thinking positive thoughts, visualizing, changing the subject of a conversation to something more positive or just getting out of there all together. Check those Vibes Yall.

Love, Peace, and Blessings,

Shenice, Lady of the Oracle Treehouse :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lessons From the Vibes: Master Class

Yesterday's Vibe was Learn, So total cool and incredible.

Oprah launched her Master Class on her web site.
As you all have listened to me on the show. Life is a school. I call it Earth University. We are here to learn and grow. We don’t stop learning once we are out of high school or collage. A lot of us are failing at this thing called life. The craziest thing is some don’t even know. The reason why they don’t know they are failing is because they find themselves in the same old situation. New dude, same situation, new life same situation. Oprah's Master class is teaching the same lessons I teach as a Clairvoyant Intuitive. Talk about synchronicity. 

Trusting Your Instincts
" I say the universe speaks to us, always, first in whispers." —Oprah

This is the core of my teachings. Follow your intstincts. I hear some of you out there asking,"Are instinct the same of vibes?" I answer by giving you this quote from the master class site on trusting you intstincts.
"Next time you have to step off into the unknown, tune into the voice of your intuition. It speaks to you from the purest place, knows the truth of who you are and can lead you to the answer that's right for you. Masters know that no matter what anyone else says, their own best guide is within."
I tell all my clients, it great to go to psychics. Even fun. But don't just blindly follow what they say. Psychic sessions are really all about healing and confirmation. Not, the psychic telling you exactly what date, time and place your true love will arrive. You have blocks to heal and the psychic is just there to help you develop and strengthen your own intuition to heal those blocks and confirm the insight you are already getting. You know whats right for you. Only you. And the only way to find out if its right is to trust it. God is within not out.

Maya Angelou brings this lesson home, when she talks about stepping out on faith. Faith Is the Ground Beneath Your Feet. I love it. She talks of a bible verse "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. Not only is faith the evidence of things not seen, but it’s your intuition.

"My grandmother used to tell me, 'Sister, Mama don't know what she's going to do. Mama is just going to step out on the word."

                                                   —Maya Angelou

Finding Your Passion is another lesson Oprah and I teach.
"Life is about growth and change. When you are no longer doing that—that is your whisper; that is your whisper that you are supposed to do something else."

Oprah, talks about everyone having a purpose. And if you have not found that yet your immediate goal is to find your purpose. How do you know when you have found your purpose? It feels right, you feel at home. It’s easy and enjoyable. I like I love to teach other about there intuition there power within, I enjoy doing readings and being on the radio. It feels easy as it flows. She goes to tell us that every body’s life has a pattern.

This lesson is for my older clients and anyone who has lost a job. Life is all about growing and changing. And that whisper is now a loud bull horn. Its time to do something else. I hear you say "but what do I do, Shenice? My bills are due; I have to put food on the table to feed the babies." And to that I answer Jay-z. What grabs Your Attention? In Jay-z master class he talks about writing grabbing his attention so great that going outside or playing ball wasn't as important. He also talks about how he never thought of him setting at the kitchen table writing rhymes as hard work. Or working hard at all for that matter. It just came easy to him. What grabs your attention like that way I ask? Whatever that answers is that is your lead, the universe speaking to you. Follow it.

Jay-z goes on to talk about the flow. Yes, yall the flow. Once, that something has grabed your attention. Flow with it.
"Don't get in the way of the groove."

 Get in the way of the groove? Yes, don’t let your ego, worries, or fear get in the way of what is flowing out of you (has grabbed your attention). Oprah's Master Class website is so awesome. She has other lessons, such as being open to uncertainty. This is my main one. That’s what intuition is all about. Others lessons like reinventing yourself and being a blessing in someone life are also good. I am for sure in the my flow. Synchronicities everywhere. And it’s not just her and Jay-z teaching. She also has Simon Cowell and Diane Swayer. Go over to the Master Class website and get your lesson.

Love, Peace and Blessings
Shenice, Lady of the Oracle Treeehouse.