Monday, August 8, 2011

Money Energy

This weeks topic money. Last week was high with emotion as the U.S. raised it debt ceiling and gets a down grade in its credit. The lesson here is money is a form of Energy, and our belief about that energy dictates whether that energy is flowing, stuck, constructed or backed up. This week I came upon some interesting information about money and how it works. "This crazy", I am thinking to myself as I sit and read an article on good debt and bad debt by Robert Kiyosaki. I think about this debt thing that we (the US) is going though and wonder why is it that the majority of u.s. citizens are living paycheck to paycheck and how so few are growing there wealth 3 and 10 times with some of them having the added Jackpot Bonus of doing what they love? What are we poor and middle class citizens missing here? I keep reading, it’s all in good debt vs. bad debt. Good debt, items that put money in your pocket. Items, like real estate, businesses, stocks and/or inventions, music, books, written material. Bad debt, houses, cars, televisions, computers and iPods. The thought bubbled up "than there must be a balance, because we need the home, car, computer and iPod." Kiyosaki explains "The financially intelligent understand they can borrow money at cheap interest rates and use that money to buy assets that provide cash flow that covers their debt payment and expenses while putting money in their pocket every month." "So you mean I can borrow money at a cheap interest rate, than use that money to buy rental property, makes money every month to pay my loan back and live? That’s what we poor and middle class are missing. Good debt.

Yall, money is energy. It flows like energy. Think about, it bills come everyday. If they are giving you a bill everyday they are getting paid everyday. Money is always changing hands. You get paid, you pay bills, you buy food, the food company pays there people there people buys product and such and around and around we go. Money is a running river. The Fords and the Steve Jobs of the world are connected with source just like you and I. If they can hook up a pump system to it, why can’t we? I knew I was on to something when I was attending church via internet. Michael Bernard Beckwith’s Agape live, I was on the Agape church site looking around while listening to he sermon. I was looking over the staff site when Michael starting recognizing the staff. Synchronicity, I love it. He went on to talk about the law of circulation, and that really peaked my interests. So I go over to the church’s spiritual principles and practices page and they talk about the law of circulation in tithing. Very interesting, I am thinking to myself. So I Google Law of Circulation and find this great article by Linda Miller ( page) about how she tested the theory. She started moving the many jar of lose changes in her house and as she moved her telephone was ringing off the hook w/ calls to join her business wanting to give her money. She read a quote by Ernest Holmes book Science of the Mind. “Beware of holding too much good in your hands.” – Emerson and “When the Law of Circulation is retarded, stagnation results.” – Science of Mind. I got to thinking about this and before I know it I was digging though my books to find Science of the Mind. Cool. So Cool. It’s my drive home point for this blog. Money is energy and if energy is not moving it’s stagnate. If you are expericing lack in your life with money, then start moving it around. Better yet, start being happy when you spend money, whenever it leaves your happy hands, knowing that it will return. Don’t complain about paying bills. You paying your bills make sure that food if put on the table for a child. We middle and poor class people get out of the poor consiousness of mind. Stop thinking fear and lack. That how we working class Americans are construing money energy in our lives. It’s the same with rich, they have a fear of lack but its greed. I am reminded of the earlier quote “Beware of holding too much good in your hands.” – Emerson. Pretty darn interesting, earlier today I was remind of an awesome cartoon featuring Scrooge Mcduck and the nephews about money. And in it he talks about circulation of money also. I was so happy when I found it online. You can check it out here on my block. I love being an 80’s baby, because I learn a lot though cartoons. I am reminded of the affirmation that Linda Miller the author of the article I mention earlier: “Today I trust the Universe to supply my every need. I share my resources with others, knowing that the Law of Circulation is in total and complete operation for all who participate in it.” Affirmation (from Science of Mind magazine) we working class citations have to change our thought from lack to abundance. From afraid to let go and and fear that no more will come to being happy to let go and knowing that it will return because of law of circulation. It may not come back from the source you give to, but it will come back, just from a different scoure. And you have to be open for it to come back to you. Scrooge McDuck, talks about the circulation of money moving like the ocean currents, never ending. We as working class have to let go and dive in to the ocean of money and swim with the currency of it. How? You ask? Your idea, your inventions, your talents. Doing what you love and educationing yourself on money and how it works. Ask an Expert - Visit my Virtual Office at LivePerson Is your money energy flowing like it should? If not book a reading with so we can find out what is blocking your money enengy.

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